Originally Posted by Sharkie405
I tried the ROM and I didn't see any difference at all w/28002. That's kind of disappointing. Is that ROM also running windows 6.5.3?
As badx has stated, it usually takes MS a few builds to really start making changes, this build has mostly behind the scenes tweaks.
Originally Posted by z0mbiexx
no matching XIP folder for the system 28002?
yes there is.. perhaps you checked too early? xip goes up at 2 every night
Originally Posted by dizzthebarber
do i check remodule all exe-dll-mui file into a created package?? so i run 2.7 then (open cab file) got them off my desktop hit (open) said done then just draged to 10_dizz is that it. or do i have to check the remodule thing. and no app. dat came up i run the all where it says (select group to insert package) it had programs on it didnt change thatwhat did i do wrong. also seen no ext_package_rebuiler
ext_package_rebuilder is in TOOLS. be careful with the remodule thing, sometimes it works, sometimes It doesnt. I woudl try moduling first, and if the package does not act as expected, try again without remoduling.