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  #172 (permalink)  
Old 12-03-2007, 08:56 AM
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I'm at best half way decent at this stuff compared to some of the people here but I tried for about an hour to get this to work and I found out why mine didn't and now it does may this will help some of you....I'm running the latest Rom version 2.17 so that doesn't matter also I had the old cab file but I deleted it and used the one available on the first page of this thread along with the Rar cab. and the cache files....I followed the instructions to a T and all I got was the loading screen it never went past that. I bluetoothed the 3 sprintTV cab., rar cab., & the cache files to my mogul from my desktop after I downloaded them. The default place that a file goes to on your PPC is under File Explorer/My Device/My Documents. Once u install the rar and SprintTV cab. files (SprintTV MUST be installed to the DEVICE for it to work) you have to start sprint TV and let it get to the help video in order for it to form a cache folder..(you will find that folder under File Explorer/My Device/Program files/SprintTV). Now here's where I made my mistake I copied and pasted the cache files (looks like 3 books stacked red blue and green) from my documents to the SprintTV cache folder then extracted them....IF YOU DO THAT YOU MUST DELETE THE CACHE FILE FROM THAT FOLDER....NOT THE TAN ONE THAT LOOKS LIKE AN ATUAL FOLDER BUT THE ONE YOU COPIED AND PASTED IF YOU DID SO....ONCE I DID THAT MY SprintTV worked fine....Didn't have to soft reset or anything I would just in case but I didn't have to. All that is in my SprintTV folder is a 1. Tan folder that I just extracted hella files into that says cache beneath that is 2. A sprintTV icon with the word SprintTV next to it and beneath that is 3. A little white what seems to be a piece of paper with the windows logo on it that has the words SprintTV next it as well...I hope this has been of some help to somone sorry for the lenth....3rd