Not sure if this is fixable or not but gonna see if you have an idea. After a soft reset, or anytime a data connection is not active, the weather won't initiate a data connection on it's own if you tell it to update
I have tried checking and unchecking the setting to download automatically thinking that maybe if it was checked it would allow the weather tab to initiate it's own data connection but no go
As it stands now, i have download automatically unchecked and just update it manually when i feel the need, but have to go initiate a data connection in the comm mgr if one is not active already (that's the part that sucks)
Is yours behaving this way? Or is there a reg somewhere to allow sense to initiate the connection on it's own as it has with previous versions?
So far though, that is the ONLY thing I've found
This kitchen is totally AWESOME Buddy!
Edit: Ok, i found that if i disable "my location" (which is bugy and works intermittently) and just load my city manually it will auto initiate a data connection to download the weather. (I think maybe you said way back in the other thread that this is how you run your phone)