Thread: Tmail.exe crash
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Old 11-19-2009, 02:39 PM
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Re: Tmail.exe crash

Try moving attachments off the card. Given the suspend issues with the Intrepid (like LED light stopping), I think they are shutting off the card fully and then when you wake up and tmail is running, it can't read the card and crashes. <- it may not crash on wake. There might be housecleaning that tmail does that causes a crash later on. Just try it for a couple of days and see if it helps.

Don't keep swapping devices unless you know you have a hardware problem. And with many years of device troubleshooting I can tell you that with a device like the Intrepid, 9999 times out of 10,000 you do not have a hardware problem that is unique to your device. It might be a problem unique to all Intrepids, etc. but the likelihood of a device failure is very, very low unless you mistreat your phone (get it wet, sit on it, leave it on your dashboard in Austin, leave it on your dashboard in Minnesota, let your dog pee on it, throw it overboard while sailing, toss it down the stairs, drop it in the urinal trough, etc.)