Originally Posted by Whotahn
...Try this...Showcase. I use Showcase on EnergyROM and have tried it on this ROM as well, works fab. Go to showcase settings after install and set it up. I hide the close program up in the right hand corner under the clock. When exiting a program just tap and hold the clock and a drop menu comes down BUT you can also set it to close the program you are in with a quick tap of the clock, or as I mentioned tap and hold the clock and slide over to the showcase taskmanger link . No need to make taskmanager a hard key or shortcut link. Thats how I roll bro and it works great.....hope this helps.
Here is the Link.... http://forum.xda-developers.com/show....php?p=4030896
didn't want to clutter this thread up with attachments and didn't check to see if it is already around here somewhere.
I tried Showcase two versions back and my phone started locking up left and right... un-installed less than 5 minutes later...as soon as it allowed me to go into the remove programs utility.
Let me refrase... not 2 versions back of showcase... but 2 versions back o Indagroove's ROM (and i did try the 101b and 110...with no sucess!! what version did you use???