Very Confused .. Sprite or SPB Backup - restore Help!
Ok .. I just dont get the sprite backup restore it says ..
Merge Level 1: Use this option to perform restore operations between the same devices with
different ROM revisions. For example: restoring from a KJAM ROM 2.16.9 to a KJAM AKU2 ROM
Merge Level 2: Use this option when you wish to restore across devices and ROM versions. For
example: When restoring a backup file created on a WM2005 KJAM device onto a WM 2006
JAZJAR device.
Merge Level 3: If your device does not boot after performing a ‘ROM Upgrade’ or ‘Device
Upgrade’ restore use the ‘Merge Level 3’ operation.
So if I install something that I dont want ( Screws Up My Phone )
Or change a reg setting .. and want to undo it ?????
What Level do I want to use ? Seems all levels "merge" Not replace?
Or Better asked .. How the hell do I restore my phone to before I scewed with it ?
Help !