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Old 11-19-2009, 10:42 AM
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Thumbs up Samsung Battery Life issue workaround

for my fellow geeks:

Read this thread very carefully:

battery issue can be solved by following these steps in order:

1) drain battery until the phone does not turn on again
2) plug it in into wall charge and charge to 90% (rapid charge).
3) plug it in into computer's USB charger until phone reports 100% full (trickle charge).
4) repeat steps 1-3 atleast 3 times when you initially buy it and once a month thereafter.

This routine has reported the moment to have a battery life of 89.5 hours, no kidding, of course with minimal use but the test was conducted to see how long the charge was held. Read the thread above.

The theory is that the battery meter is not synced with the battery size. So we need to sync the two up. These steps allow it to do it. Additionally rapid charge apparently doesnt fully top it off, so a trickle charge is needed to top it off.

sorry if this has been explained already. Mods should consider making this a sticky as it has helped many out.

Last edited by jamn424; 11-19-2009 at 11:29 AM.
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