Originally Posted by honduranthunder
that's a good point.. however, I actually assigned that button for voice command.. just out of habit. I would change it, except I use voice command all the time.. it just makes things easy. there's got to be a workaround.. I tried using the the actual task manager program, obut I would have to open the program everytime and manually close out each program individually. urrrgh... frustatinng.
I use Showcase. Go to showcase settings after install and set it up. I hide the close program up in the right hand corner under the clock. When exiting a program just tap and hold the clock and a drop menu comes down BUT you can also set it to close the program you are in with a quick tap. Or tap and hold it and slide over to the showcase taskmanger link . This way you keep msvc on your hard send key. Thats how I roll bro and it works great. Im on 23088nov14 Sense 2.5.