****Sense UI 2.1/2.5 REAL MODE9 FIX****
Update 11/26/09: Version 3 Non Graphics Fix
1) V3 eliminates the need to re-center the icons by way of modifying the images. All icons have been re-centered through Mode9 fix. It took awhile to figure out the mapping system.
2) Re-positioned the date on the calendar tab icon.
3) Re-positioned notification bubble icon to fit better within the silder tab.
Please uninstall the V2 fix and the position fix cab (only if you had it installed). Download and install V3 Fix, and you are good to go.
Update 11/24/09:
1) V2 should complete SUI2.5. It took awhile to figure out the notification bubble in the People Details Tab.
2) I need feedback on V2 SUI 2.1 if there are any sliders left still un-transparent.
3) Added Stock Slider Position Fix cabs below. These will center the icons on the slider.
****I've spent countless hours on this project, putting aside other projects I've started for myself. I don't ask for much, but some appreciation on my work here would be greatly appreciated. There has been 600+ combined downloads for this fix and a very small percentage of feedback or thanks. I make it a point to show my appreciation elsewhere on this site for shared knowledge and upgrades. This project was very time consuming and aggrevating at times. But it helps to make the custom themes that much nicer. Please show your appreciation, not just for my time and efforts, but also for others who have also spent countless hours for the community! Thank you!****
Finally, figured the whole thing out! This slider fix is 100% transparent. No secondary icon, no calendar date, and yes...no notification bubble. There are 2 downloads below for the fix, SenseUI 2.1 and SenseUI 2.5. I have also provided each respective basic slider icon (it looks like the pics below.
Installation is simple. Download cab and place on SD Card. Run from File Explorer and Ok the soft reset. If you are running a theme that has a transparent slider, there is no need to re-install that theme. My fix is only system files. I have also provided a basic transparent slider for those still running stock theme.
Note: If your version of manila is cfc compressed, you will notice your slider icon being a white square. No proplem, just install my basic slider tab or uninstall and reinstall your custom theme. Thansk to tsalta (XDA) for this info!
Basic Tab Icons
**Note: This is just the Slider Tab Icon and not the entire slider**