Originally Posted by Sharkie405
Wirelessly posted (Opera/9.5 (Microsoft Windows; PPC; Opera Mobi/15613; U; en))
RZ, What tool in your kitchen can turn cabs to exts?
Use package_creator to convert cab to oem, then drag the resulting oem onto ext_package_rebuilder
Originally Posted by mxl180
Raid.. you claim to have good battery life.
what battery tweaks does this rom have?
the usual:
with manila 2.5 batt life is obviously not as good sa 2.1 or titanium but I still make it through the day.
Originally Posted by Lat
has anybody had any luck changing the default manila 2.5 internet link to opera instead of to IE?
I haven't
Originally Posted by Sharkie405
I just found HDWalls that you're talking about. It looks awesome. Can't wait to get home to try it out. Thanks man! I'm assuming you've tried it and it works on the TP's version of 2.5?
Sorry about not posting the slider cab guys, my bad! I meant to, but forgot all about it. Thanks for posting the link Lat.
JDM627, if you're still looking for the 16 quick links cab it's on page 149, post #1483 of this thread. As far as I know RZ has not put it in the kitchen. I haven't looked at last night's kitchen yet. I can only access 12 of the supposed 16 links. Still better than 6 or whatever the standard is.
I like the 16 quicklink thing, I'll add that tonight. Much better than the buggy programs tab
although since we are VGA we only see the top 12.. still twice as much as 6