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Old 11-18-2009, 02:22 AM
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Re: Why are we still using Rapidshare and Megaupload?

Originally Posted by WisdomWolfX View Post
It's not my server. I'm using sugarsync. I pay monthly for 30GB of storage so I can sync/backup files between my laptop, netbook, and desktop. But you can get a free account with 2GB of storage easily.

Either way you can share individual files with a public link (like the one above) or you can share a whole folder of files, but other people have to have an account to view it. I intend to download most of the ROMS here to a single folder which I'll share for easy access by SS users later.

I wonder if I'm making this too confusing. Let me know if you have questions or if I need to re-explain.
I realise that, i was stating that getting your own host/domain seems to be the best/cheapest way. You dont have a limit to storage or bandwidth. How much do you pay for 30gb of storage?
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