First of all i'd like to say thank you very much OMJ for the hard and excellent work you've done, and thanks for the 6.1 version, i dispise the hexagon start menu
Originally Posted by xraytech8704
who ever tried all three please give tell me which one is the best.
thanks again OMJ!
if you don't mind the hexagon start menu then 6.5 is the best, if you like the bottom start and action buttons then 6.5.1 is the best, but if you don't like either of those features then 6.1 is for you
not too bad...the only problem I found was I could not get the favs to work on the Internet tab.
i have found a workaround for the favs on the internet tab maybe you can figure out the mechanics of it, first go to internet explorer and make the favs in there, then on the favs tab you can add the favs.. also once you do that opera favs can then be added, weird but works
thanks again =D>