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Old 12-01-2007, 09:46 PM
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Originally Posted by klurf8881 View Post
nothing new to report, the PPC version is better in a few ways and allows touchscreen pushes na dpushes up the input window so its not convered, but the developer still has no idea how to integrate it into the stock sms to put it through to his program and eliminate the stock notification/counter issues.

guess we wont see any good threader replacement anytime soon. that sucks bad no one can figure it out except palm.

anyone try this :
wonder if its just the stock palm threader or modded to actually work without bugs...

*EDIT* n/m i tried it and while its better and does integrate theres still bugs in it. the notification doesnt go away and it takes 1mb running so its pretty big and clunky program**

still in contact with birdsoft developer to get it integrated. game him a few examples of ones that integrate to see what registry values are being accessed. Hopefully hes willing to try, the program is simply awsome and bug free if it integrated and only 68k running, TINY
Hmmm...he should maybe put a post at XDA Developers. I'm pretty positive they could help.

Also, Bruce at (PhoneAlarm) may know a thing or two since he has to integrate and deal with notifications on every WM device...(plus, that could pre-guarantee compatibility between the two programs, which would be huge in of itself). But Bruce is by far the expert on notifications for SMS alerts. He's also very friendly and responds quickly to requests; he has no issue working with other developers.

Maybe pass that info on to him?
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