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Old 11-17-2009, 07:43 PM
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Re: Holdem Tournament Timer App?

Originally Posted by Vancer View Post
... like for instance, I see that other app tracks players but doesn't appear to have a tab to show the payouts for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place or even a 4th place etc...
I don't see the use of keeping track of players without listing the payout structure. Especially on the first screen. Actually, I don't see the use at all. I can understand a settings screen that you tap for each buy-in with the buy-in amount. And then giving a list of payout % and the app can calculate payout amounts. So you could assign a % to each payed position (although with a mobile app, I might cap at 10? Or is 4 the most anyone would use?) and if the % is high enough to meet a threshold (either buy-in amount or adjustable), then it would list that position as a payout. IE:
1st - 60%
2nd - 30%
3rd - 10%
it would figure for 4 $5 buy-ins:
1st - $15
2nd - $5
or 9 $5 buy-ins:
1st - $30
2nd - $15
or 10 $5 buy-ins:
1st - $30
2nd - $15
3rd - $5

Maybe that's too complicated for people to use. I don't know. Basically, it would take the total * %, round up to the nearest buy-in increment for each place until the pot is empty. Maybe that's the wrong algorithm, so I'd be open to others.

Does anyone have their own ideas for why they'd use the feature in the XDA app as it stands? I'm not trying to call that guy out or anything, just trying to understand.

Anyhow, I have little interest in doing any of this stuff for myself. But as long as I get feedback, I'll continue working on it.

Last edited by Gardoon; 11-17-2009 at 07:46 PM. Reason: I contradicted myself :)
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