Re: !Hero Tips/Tricks/Fixes! Check here for answers!! Updated 11/15/09
Here's one I got off androidforums. I know alot of peeps have complained about the notifications issue when having multiple email accounts setup with the HTC mail app and not being able to tell which account has the new email unless they go through each account manually. Here's a workaround.
Well, here is an idea for knowing which mailbox in HTC Mail has unread email in it.
If you don't have notifications setup for every mailbox in HTC Mail, or you dismissed the notification for new email in the notification bar for one of your various HTC Mail accounts, there is no way to know which HTC Mail account has unread email in it when you launch HTC Mail.
So, to only use up one ICON on the desktop, create an Android Folder and name it 'Email' or something. Then, one by one, add each of your HTC Mail mailbox's to the desktop using 'Shortcut/Mail Inbox' and place all these mailbox shortcuts inside your new desktop 'Email' folder. WALLA!
Thanks to DaWeav at AF.