Originally Posted by codearn
i upgraded yesterday from the last manila 2.1 21864 to 11/10/09 Manila 2.1 23504... i LOVE it so far, but a couple issues i want to throw out there:
in the 21864 ROM i had used the gsensor whitelist (HCLU\Software\HTC\HTCSENSOR\Whitelist) to rotate manila, google maps, and a few other programs when i rotated the unit without opening the keyboard.
with 23504, that rotation no longer works. is the same diamond2 gsensor driver cooked in?
on a related note, i had been using GSEN's built-in config program to determine the name of the windowclass for use in the whitelist, and when you run it in 23504, and press the right softkey, the menu for hte left softkey comes up. i had to use keyboard config to create a fake right softkey. strange behavior. maybe the answer is to reflash to stock then flash back, but i thought id mention it.
Curious if you have the ringer problem on the nov 10 23504?
I am on 23088 nov 14 and not being able to use dialer is not good for my daily routine looking to switch.