Originally Posted by Sharkie405
RZ, I see you added the programs tab in. Sweet! Good move.
I went in to settings and disabled the people tab and now Sense won't launch. Hard-resetting to see if it happens again.
Yeah, so I think that's an official bug. I tried to change the tabs around again and Sense won't launch. Let me know if this happens to anyone else who's cooked w/last night's kitchen. I don't think it's anything I did... I didn't really cook anything that's to do with manila except the 16 square quick link cab.
I think I figured it out. If I go into personlizations and only uncheck one of the tab boxes Sense is fine. However, if I rearrange the order of the tabs Sense will not load. I cooked another ROM w/out the 16 quick link cab cooked in and got the same results.
I have tried searching for that 16 square quick link cab with no success. Would you mind sharing a link for it? Thanks.