Originally Posted by spitfire122
is the nov 14th build performance increase? im using manila 2.1 from oct 28th because sms/texting didnt work right in landscape mode. also, texting was rather slow response in newer builds
The current Nov 14th release is manila 2.5 which in not as stable as 2.1
I love it but if stability is your primary concern you may not want to flash.
The 2.5 builds are still technically Test ROM's though I've been on them since nrgz released the first one and I think it rocks. I'm into tweaking and trying to figure stuff out, that's how I roll
The two 2.1 releases are WM 23504 which is the start menu on bottom, and are excellent, stable ROMs
Originally Posted by mabru2001
23088 is gone. 21864 is in its place. Which is better?
Personal choice my friend. 23xxx builds are better IMO because the UI is much more finger friendly, esp when you get into the menus and sub-menus. Both are stable, it's the manila version that may cause hiccups.
If your into custom taskbars, there hasnt been much development of 23xxx taskbars
Not sure why nrgz took down the 23088, maybe because he's working something new? I stated 23088 was his 23xxx build of choice because that's the last thing I've seen him say on the matter.
EDIT: 21xxx builds=WM 6.5, Start menu on top. 23xxx builds=WM 6.5.1, start menu on bottom