Originally Posted by blazin_diva400
Okay so i have the Rom running to my liking, but i noticed i can't use the Rar program, which i use on a regular basis. Anybody noticed this as well?
When you start the RAR program first thing you do is hit the back hardkey.
Originally Posted by Sharkie405
Yeah, I saw that in your sig. I assumed it was old. I'll try it and see what happens. I thought at some point I read a post where someone had posted some cabs to revert back to standard 2.5 on some things and then cabs to go back to NRG style if you wanted. I thought I remember seeing NRG's clear slider in there, but I can't find it. Maybe I'm imagining it...
*Edit* - The clearslider cab in your sig must not be for 2.5. I installed it and nothing happened.
You can get the clear slider using MAXX's theme. It should be linked here.