Originally Posted by bignadad
as far as removing the call history and calendar placeholders when there are no notifications, that could be tricky......
i could remove easily enough, but when a variable is added it get complicated. so i could make it disappear, but permanently.
maybe the creator of program will make that happen..
on the appointments fitting more on the screen? how many would be ideal?
Using what seems ur guidance, and a little knowhow, pegasus has managed to remove the notifications unless you have a missed call or a voicemail.
See Here
I could ask him to do it for me... But i am more interested in the how it is done.
and when it comes to appoitments... My DREAM would be NONE on the home screen... Unless you flip it up and get the little clock. Then move the little clock all the way up and u should be able to fit at least 5 or 6 appoitments underneath. then when you flip it back down to get the whole clock, it all goes blank.
Oh.. and moving the Whole 2.1 Sense clock all alittle higher on the home page too...
I know I ask for alot, but Im more interested in HOW to do it...So I can do it for myself.
I really damn apprecaite your help though. Ive been messing around alittle in the Mode9 trying to figure more out.
Good Luck and Happy Modding.
I love: Swype, Pandora, AmonRa Recovery and Touiteur.
I hate: Swype (haha), 4G dropping constantly, screen protectors and losing signal in the DC subways