Originally Posted by rp4643
My trouble ticket (3283730) with Verizon has been answered...Sort of,,They now say its the towers in my area...Which makes no sence..I'm getting stuck in 1X not losing signal completely and it happens every where. God Im willing getting sick of it... Anyone have a BB storm 2 they want to trade me.
That might actually be the case, I know I didn't have any 3G/1X problems with my TP1 or any other 3G phone I've used in my home area, just my TP2. However, I just moved from NM to OR and haven't had one instance of it dropping into 1X (other than sending an SMS or phone call of course) and it getting stuck in it. I highly doubted that as an issue before I moved, I figured they were just at a loss as to what was going on but now I'm beginning to think they might have been right.