The cache work around works in 2.17. I just tried it out a few min ago and also last night. Unfortunately if you happen to wonder too far and try a channel that doesn't work it says "This channel is currently unavailable (7000)" or something like that then re-checks the subscriptions. Once this happens it wont display channels anymore. The key is stopping it from rechecking/updating the cache folder/subscriptions. Perhaps it can be re-engineered to block this. Or If someone keeps developing and updating the cache folder perhaps we can have one that shows only channels that will work continuously or something.
I went back in a deleted the cache folder and replaced it again and it worked. It's a pain to have to do this after almost every time you use it heh. It was working fine until I tried some channels that weren't showing.
Sprint SERO Premium - HTC EVO 4G
Last edited by Alpine-; 11-30-2007 at 11:55 PM.