Re: Bounty for working MS Bluetooth stack on TP2
Hold on- before we go all gaga about this... are there any other problems you guys are having with the stack? Or is it just the hangup problem?
If HTC releases an update that fixes this one issue (which is entirely likely since it sounds like a simple bug), are you guys OK with the stack otherwise?
As someone who helped identify and fix a BT error on the Titan, I can tell you its more likely easier to fix the problem than port the entire stack...
EDIT: As for the PAN issue, there are workarounds to connect over BT I believe. Its funny, because originally when PAN came out, folks who were used to Dial Up Networking profile hated it because it was different. Now if we lose that, people are angry again. Funny, is all.
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Last edited by dishe; 11-16-2009 at 12:55 PM.