New Signature Policies
We've tried to be lenient when it comes to signatures, mainly by allowing you to host images on 3rd party websites and use the img tag here to hotlink them. Unfortunately, some of them have been getting out of hand and we've had to change this policy since its impossible for the staff to request that EVERYONE with a large sig change it.
You'll still be able to use the img tag, but you'll have size limits and will be limited to the number of images you can have, as specified below...
The new rules for now are...
- 150 height x 500 width
- 500 characters max
- 5 lines
- limited BBCode
- 2 images (3 for VIPs)
If your signature is larger than 475px, it will appear in a box with scrollbars. If you want to get rid of this, you will need to edit your signature to be a smaller size, and you will have to use the rules above.
Last edited by mindfrost82; 11-16-2009 at 12:54 PM.