Well the setting i said to use are just the settings with the newest stuff if you want it to work just as good (stil no connection) and have the keyboard and touch screen work you can use this zimage witch will work but its from oct. 10th and is older i was just tryin to update everyone on the current progress and the latest info but this is the newest CDMA WORKING raph image
http://bertramland.com/htclinux/file...800-2009-10-14 the creator sadly has been "moving" his site ever since and it has been a VERY long move lol i currently am working on porting over the android 2.0 from the moto droid to our cdma touch pros my only worry is all the drivers, processors, and all other hardware issues will prevent it from running so sont get your hopes up although i will be tryin the sprint hero's and vzw droid eris files maybe some how i can get a bootable version with cdma connection from one of them.