Originally Posted by CovKid66
A few minor issues: - Sliding sounds do not appear to work. If you select any of the drop down choices and tap the play icon you hear a beep-beep instead of the real sound (as if the sounds are missing?). After enabling the feature, sliding the keyboard makes no sound at all
- Couldn't get into Data Services setting after first flashing. The swirly icon would appear as if it was loading but would not do anything. Did a clear storage and it's fine now. Just goes to prove that the old 'clear storage' that many tout is worth while
- Had the exact same problem with Managed Programs setting. Again, that same clear storage resolved that too
- QuickGPS still not downloading for me. Getting "Connection failed. Please try again later."
OMG is this thing snappy... - Weather animaton excellent!
- Swiping through e-mails on the mail tab is incredbile
- Same with pics!
- Music shuffle and repeat icons are really responsive now, as is working with the library and main music controls
There's an ISO setting in the camera. I'm sure that wasn't there before, but the changelog doesn't seem tto say anything about updated camera app. Bonus wither way! Just a tip that I saw in a Hero thread recently (and that's why I'm sure this wasn't an option on this camera app before now)...set it to ISO 800 and you should get less blurry shots. I haven't tested it on the WM camera yet, but they swear by it on the Hero forum.
Excellent work Juicy. You've outdone yourself again. 10/10 from me sir!
I agree this is an amazing ROM. I was able to get QuickGPS working...maybe another reset. I had some of the same issues as you until several hard and soft resets. Have you been able to get Footprints working?