Re: Help me disable this message please!
Well, I'm sorry to hear that more people are having this issue. Since it's been driving me nuts, ever since I have flashed a custom rom. From the day the unlocker came out.
I have asked in multiple knowledgable locations on the net and have gotten nowhere.
I am now on a mission to find the registry setting that needs to be modified to make it STOPPPP!!!!
If anyone else has any input on this at all, please help us!
I was really hoping I had screwed something up in my provisioning or something. Or that flashing the latest Mightyrom would correct the issue. No such luck, it appears.
So, +1 for a fix, reg. edit, .cab or something to kill that notification. I know when I'm in 1X, that's what the 1X and EV icons are for. I really dont wanna have to hit "ok", every few minutes in spotty areas. Very annoying and distracting from what I'm trying to do.