Originally Posted by Nazgul07
I have a question. I have a handful of CABs that I have saved to my SD Card that in install after flashing because they don't install properly when I make them OEM-->EXT's and put them in the kitchen. ... Is there a way to make RunCC install these on the first boot so I don't have to manually do it? I've looked around and can't seem to find a definitive answer.
yeah look in the kitchen.cmd script:
echo LOCK:Enabled > EXT\Baseline\6_end\zzzzzzzz_Baseline\files\Baseline.txt
echo XML: \Windows\perf_tweaks.provxml >> EXT\Baseline\6_end\zzzzzzzz_Baseline\files\Baseline.txt
echo XML: \Windows\mxip_startmenu.provxml >> EXT\Baseline\6_end\zzzzzzzz_Baseline\files\Baseline.txt
echo XML: \Windows\sdkcerts.provxml >> EXT\Baseline\6_end\zzzzzzzz_Baseline\files\Baseline.txt
echo EXEC: \Windows\mxip_beta.mscr >> EXT\Baseline\6_end\zzzzzzzz_Baseline\files\Baseline.txt
echo TSK: \Windows\Flamerise.tsk >> EXT\Baseline\6_end\zzzzzzzz_Baseline\files\Baseline.txt
echo EXEC: \windows\remove_starticons.mscr >> EXT\Baseline\6_end\zzzzzzzz_Baseline\files\Baseline.txt
echo XML: \WINDOWS\SASHIMIAR.xml >> EXT\Baseline\6_end\zzzzzzzz_Baseline\files\Baseline.txt
echo LOCK: Disabled >> EXT\Baseline\Baseline\6_end\zzzzzzzz_Baseline\files\Baseline.txt
just add
echo CAB: \windows\yourcab.cab >> EXT\Baseline\Baseline\6_end\zzzzzzzz_Baseline\files\Baseline.txt
before the lock is disabled. make as many of those as you want
I wonder if any alltel customers have sen mylocation work at all on any ROM... I am starting to wonder