Originally Posted by Whotahn
Nah bro it realy doesnt bother me too much either and I haven't with wm dialer. It nags me cause we can't get it figured out and I hate that fact, but I don't realy care much about the phone not ringing from time to time. I don't realy use it alot alot and I have it on vibrate 90% of the time anyway. I can see where it would be a pain but it is far from a dealbreaker for me. Between all of us & NRG we will get it figured out I am sure. Other than that I now have 23088 running like a champ.....
I agree, it's like that annoying fly that keeps bugging you from time to time. So what if i miss a couple calls here and there.

. The thing that makes me wonder is how in the world sense can have a conflict on such a simple and fundamental function such as RINGTONES????????

. I can understand footprint not working and all those more advance features. But ringtones? hahaha It won't kill me but maybe I shoudl bring this to sprint and say to them my phone doesn't ring

. You think I'll get a new TP2 lik that???? hahahahah