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Old 11-15-2009, 12:57 PM
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Re: OMJ's | HTC Sense UI aka Manila 2.5 | WM 6.5 / WM 6.5.1 | 21870 / 23504 | 11/12/0

Originally Posted by dstruct2k View Post
It's not just the dialer that thinks we're at 480x800, it's the entire SenseUI. My home screen won't show the bottom half of the bottom row of icons if I scroll it, all the Manila-based lists (such as adding programs to shortcuts on the home screen) won't let me access the last 2 items on the list, my "Pictures" tab cuts off the bottom of the pictures, the "Music" tab (when sideways) cuts off text...

Thanks for the port, OMJ, but there's some serious flaws that still need to be addressed. If I could find any mention of screen resolution in any of the Manila files, I'd make the changes myself... But I can't find anything. :s
maybe you had a bad flash, I've tested each & every rom, none have the issues you are reporting.....serious flaws?? have you read this entire thread, cuz you are the only one w/ this issue.
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