Originally Posted by chuque
Question: I uninstalled NRG's quick menu and installed 2.8 that I think Root posted originally, but still not seeing a more finger friendly gui options, where should I be looking?
Originally Posted by chuque
I know where the app is  it just looks more/less the same as the default one. I am running 2.8.414.1614 is there some config option I am missing ?
I get intermittent small (2.7 version) and large (2.8 version) menus despite uninstall 2.7, SR, install 2.8, SR. Still havent figured it out but I'll be sure to post back if I do.
I can also confirm rigner loss with the latest build.
Flashed Stock and back, installed new .dlls for CDMA settings, erased the ringtones from Windows\Ring, copied over tones-both mps3 and wav files to My Documents\My Ringtones from my SD-ran all my usual cabs, tweaks, and Sashimi and was still ringing. This AM woke up and nada. Just confirming for nrgz, sorry I dont have any new ideas....yet