From Touch Pro to Moment?
Okay, first off I'm a pretty technical user. I've flashed every Windows Mobile phone I've had to cutting-edge stuff, used to cook, and know Windows Mobile inside and out. As well, in general, I'm a tech guy, working as in IT. So assume you're not talking to a noob when answering my questions.
Has anyone here gone from a Touch Pro to a Moment and, if so, what are your feelings on the transition? What were your pain points, what was a big improvement? What do you miss, what did you gain?
Assuming financial factors fall into place soon, I may be upgrading my phone and giving my wife my Touch Pro (her Diamond was damaged by the dog, and if we're going to spend $100 on insurance to replace it, I'd rather spend more and give her my better phone). At this point in time, that leaves me with either the Touch Pro2 or Moment as the only true upgrades available, so I'm torn. I'm really strongly considering going Android, but I'm not convinced the Moment's a big enough step forward at this point, especially since it's not running 2.0 and there's no word on whether it will. Meanwhile the TP2's a big external upgrade from the TP and will get official 6.5 support, but otherwise isn't really changed on the inside.
So I'm trying to gauge opinions from anyone who made the switch to help me see what to expect.
"Men rarely (if ever) manage to dream up a god superior to themselves. Most gods have the manners and morals of a spoiled child." - Lazarus Long