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Old 11-14-2009, 09:29 PM
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Nagrom Nniuq
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Re: Manual Flashing w/ 8GB card?

Originally Posted by aznmode View Post
I've been on this forum for too long to be playing games. If you don't believe what I'm saying then that's up to you..but don't call people here liars. We're all here to help each other out.
I didn't say YOU were lying. I said people where EITHER lying OR having one awesome glitch. The plain fact is the the bootloader does NOT support anything over 2GB and it has been this way forever. I'm glad that yours works and I hope others have similar LUCK.

PS. Partitioning your card to have a 2GB or smaller section can also make you able to flash from a card bigger than 2GB. Just something the OP might want to try.
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