Originally Posted by Askym
seems like the only thing that the root can do for you is give you the ability to take off bloatware (which if you do wrong can really mess things up) and the tethering (which i will probably never use). not to mention void your warranty, and at this stage of the game is that a good idea?.
i guess all i want from rooting the phone is a clean rom without all the bloat apps that sprint puts on. everything else to me right now is if no real priority or concern until i find that i need it. if i could get a rom to do my dishes or vaccuum then id be all over it like flies on Sh!t lol
Screenshot apps, control of phone, ability to move cache and programs to storage card. If you only take off the ones that are confirmed to work it will cause no problems. Tethering is nice on vacation when hotels charge $10 a day for wifi haha. Voids warranty, except, you can reflash stock ruu and no one will be the wiser. I would have unlocked sooner if it was available haha.
Roms will be coming soon, but if you want a clean one ask around, modaco and cyanogen will probably be willing to help you, learn to cook. You might be a chef before you know it. You may not find a rom to do that, but you will find one to occupy you so you don't have to think about it not being done!