Originally Posted by delawaresace
so i went to do the reg tweak on my mogul and noticed that my flag was way different (something like 41943something), i changed it to the 00400000 and changed the wav1. reset and tested it. at first i could not get it to work. i would listen to some music and then as soon as i pressed the power button to put my mogul in sleep mode the streaming music would pause for a second then start up for a second then totally turn off. i figured out what i was doing wrong though. you cant wait around in WMP. as soon as you press play for what ever your playing, you have to hit the power button before it starts to play. then it works fine. at least, that's how it works for me.
Can you tell me exactly what your flags was? Mine can play for any length of time before I turn the screen off, and it'll still play. So maybe you should not have changed the flags. That setting is set to what we've listed here on the Apache/Titan. Do you have another device?