Originally Posted by omahajs
Someone posted this awhile back and I can't remember who to thank, but keep everything the same in your kitchen and change carrier to GENERIC. You'll be all set and enjoying 23506 in no time. This hasn't affected my vzw tp at all as far as data/calls and I didn't install any carrier cabs afterwards.
BTW - if anyone knows why the Verizon Carrier selection is messing up the build please let us know. Thanks.
Just flashed a successful rom using Verizon Carrier little bit of work required. Copy Verizon Carrier from Ext\Diamond|Common\Packages and paste into Ext|Touch Pro\Common|Packages make sure you save and paste the operator_config.text file from the Touch Pro Package which is located in the files folder otherwise you'll get an error after you boot up.
Looks like some of the provxml files were left out