Why don't we start here...
This thread is solely for customizing TP2 through sashimi.
Please keep it both for Manilla2.1 and Manilla2.5
Because these are related to Registry keys, please backup and export all reg to SASHIMI/AUTO/REG
- to backup PALRINGO Settings - HKCU/Software/Parlingo/settings (backup and export the whole settings folder)
- to backup Manilla2.5 tab order (works the same as Manilla2.1) - HKLM/software/HTC/Manilla/Configuration (backup and export the whole configuration folder)
- to backup Manilla2.5 Quicklinks (program links) - HKLM/Software/HTC/Manilla/HOME (backup and export the whole home folder)
- Disable/Disconnect Data Connection if idled for X mins - HKLM/Comm/ConnMgr/Planner/Settings/"CacheTime" (you need to download HDTweaks Program and set the "Disconnect After" time. after you set this save the setting, reboot, then follow the above reg root and backup "CacheTime", save it to Reg Folder) This will keep the setting