btw, I found this about the settings lnk file in the start menu:
i like this behaviour a lot better
Use a regisrty editor to change the following entries:
1) hklm\security\shell\startinfo, and change "HideSettings" from 1 to 0. This will reactivate the "normal" settings icon to go directly to the "All Settings" section. Some chefs seem to prefer the icon going to the manila settings tab which is their prerogative.
2) hklm\security\shell\startinfo\start\htc settings.lnk, change the name from "Settings" to "HTC Settings" as there will now be 2 Settings icons in the Start menu and this is so you don't get confused as to which is which. (The names of the .lnk files may be a little different from rom to rom, so search a little to find a Settings.lnk or something similar)