Originally Posted by cmajewsk
This didn't work, and I am on Sprint. No errors on the file copy - I was able to overwrite. I then did a soft reset but the GSM Phone features are still there... 
If the GSM features are there, then the file likely didn't "take". What is the size of your PhoneSetting.dll file in \windows?
If it is around 150k then the correct one is being used. If it around 397k then the wrong (older) one is being used.
This PhoneSetting.dll is from the stock 2.01.
I can't say why it doesn't work for you, but it does work fine for me. My ringtones are ok, but I can't say for sure if the Sprint PhoneSetting.dll expects something different than the cooked PhoneSetting.dll as I set my ring tones using registry import.