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Old 11-13-2009, 12:55 PM
Stupid-Ass Skull Cruncha
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Re: poosible zoom bar in all apps here......

I did it...
It works. I like using it in the file explorer like when I'm looking for a particular cab in my cabs folder.
Kinda works like the finger scroll on the screen in landscape. scroll up on the bar and the fields go down... make sense? like when you drag the page up and see what's below.
In portrait mode slide right is scroll down and obviously slide left you scroll up.
Bottom line... It hasn't changed anything negatively. If I had the option to uninstall the cab. I wouldn't. And I am definitely not restoring one of my backups from yesterday.
I give it 3 out of 5 stars... lol.
only cuz it does what it said it would do. I wasn't blown away and I was not disapointed. Ok... 3 and 1/2 stars.
Hope it helps.
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