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Old 11-13-2009, 10:31 AM
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Re: [KITCHEN][ROM]->>Nov 9<<6.5 NK-23506-RZ Baseline TF3d 2.1 & Titanium

Originally Posted by Sharkie405 View Post
I can add a contact, but I can do nothing with it. If I tap on the person, nothing happens. I will try again this afternoon perhaps w/out adding anything to the kitchen to see if it was possibly something I might have done.
hm yeah when I tap on a favorite contact and it dials them, same with all people, my contacts are fully functional. its kinda like a mini manila within contacts, same slider and stuff but for contact history and email/sms sorting, pretty sweet.

CONS: is opera is broken somehow and therefor the bookmark thing does not work.. no texts can be sent (tap new and nothing happens). footprints does not work because of the leo camera thing probably. touch screen broken in album. must use dpad and enter button.

PROS: Was abled to add gmail and outlook (exchange) email with no issues via manila. I love the email layout though, instead of the envelope you get a page.. which is nice, my location locked on instantly, weather home is pretty great. alarms work as expected. phone rungs when called and ringotnes set correctly. Music plays on music tab as expected. music tab is improved, I like it.

UNTESTED: twitter, dont have a twitter account

the only glaring issues I have found is the inability to send SMS and the bookmarks being broken (I think that is opera's fault...)

oh yeah and the destroying of the start menu.. I can remove evertyhing it adds EXCEPT for message, twitter, calendar, etc

edit I have been using 32mb PP for these 2.5 tests, its massive.

I will be unavailable for a little while, need to boot into backtrack and do some work...
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Last edited by raidzero; 11-13-2009 at 11:00 AM.
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