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Old 11-13-2009, 09:17 AM
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Re: Voice Command Caller Anouncement over BT

That is a fair suggestion, leepriestenator, but I believe the initial purpose of the thread was to alert folks of this existance of the issue (out of the box) with the stock ROM.

Given that this particular device is being marketed towards or at the business or professional user, it was a surprise to me (and aparently other users) that this very basic business-user feature would not be configured optimally, out of the box.

Best regards,

Originally Posted by leepriestenator View Post
We have had 8 of pages comments and nobody has mentioned what version of MSVC they are on.

Here goes...

I am on v1.6.21725
Device: HTC Rhodium EU (Unbranded GSM)
ROM: NRG Photon 21864, OCT28 Release

This seems to be the latest build out there. It's about 2.xx MB unlike most of the previous builds which averaged around 4.xx MB.

Now back to topic. Everything works well for me on this version except 2 things

1) When the phone rings, it announces the call over the phone speaker, but the volume is so low that it makes no difference wehter it makes the announcement or not

2) I haven't played with the registry for MSVC yet and so far the only options I have worked with are "Enabling the audio to be piped from the BT headset" and "Checking the Announcements over BT headset only" for MSVC.

What ever I do, I can't seem to get the announcements to come through my BT headset.

What does work for me however, is dialing my contacts via my BT headset. All I have to do is Press and Hold the button on my Plantronics 855 and it opens a channel to MSVC and I can dial out.

Why don't you guys having trouble with dialing from ur BT headset give this version a shot?

Also, please check this out.

One of our members 'BadSector' had done some work on this earlier (MSVC announcements over BT)
Mine has theft deterrent!
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