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Old 11-13-2009, 08:23 AM
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Re: Alarms not working

Originally Posted by bhedberg View Post
I've been having the exact same issue with both recent NFS and VINS 6.5 ROMs. This pocket mechanic program, where does one get it? The version I have found so far is for WM2003... I need to wake up on time!!!
I just did a google for "Pocket Mechanic and winmo", it has a 30 day eval. But this hasn't been working lately. Only worked one day.

I have tried Clear Storage, Hard Rests, flashing over to Speeds, VINs, and NSFANs... if I set an alarm to test for in 15 minutes it goes off. It's like something happens at midnight (im guessing here) and the ones for the next day stop working. Whatever problem I have with the alarms stops my gmail from coming through also, if I soft reset my alarms go off and then all my mail comes through, its like this bug I have stops all scheduled queing not just alarms (my gmail is set to download every 2 hours).

I know alarms are "the little things" but Im close to ditching my phone because I can't get them working. I just don't know and I travel lots and having to set my hotel alarms or schedule wake up calls is the sucks because I can't trust my own phone alarms any more. My Blackberry only has one alarm... GAH ! *throws hands up in the air*

Dunno :/
