Originally Posted by Cordy
thanks OMJ. Nice rom thus far, I'm running 21870 v1.2 Only things I've ran into was the background4all doesn't work like it did in one of your previous roms. If I select weather wallpaper and choose my background that background doesn't show on the other pages. Also when setting up email for my hotmail account nothing happens. In previous roms as well as ones I've cooked windows live normally just starts up after using the email wizard. Alternately when using windows live and trying to sign it, nothing happens. Is windows live still incompatible?
hey, this may sound strange and I haven't tried yet, but do this. turn off htc sense, restart, then try the windows live app again. tflo is covering up the screen
at least this was the case on NRG's rom. this worked for me allowing me to set up live/messenger, then turn sense back on. Just tested and it works baby!