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Old 11-12-2009, 07:45 PM
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poosible zoom bar in all apps here......

now ive made a thread on a zoom bar cab that uses your zoom bar to scroll.

Ive found another cab. and it says uninstallable but says works for all apps including emails sms etc.........

heres the cab.... I havent tested it cause I want someone elso

heres the web site.......... let me know if it works for you........

Mods merge if necessary........

Edit: Not working in sms and emails like says..... But I already have my other zoom bar app installed that wont uninstall so it could be overiding the other one, who know, try at your own risk, if anything itll work in most apps.......Also it is small like 15kb and dont cause any ill effects if ya dont like it other than not installing.....It will not replace your zoom function but its a add on to it......

Edit #2 Mods please merge with this thread or crap can it.

MY bad, I got excited and thought this cab would do just a little more, but seems to be the same as the one in this thread I originally posted.....

(Hummingbird FTW)

Last edited by Dragon2; 11-12-2009 at 08:32 PM.
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