Originally Posted by Speed_419
I don't actually believe that Verizon will know. You will be using the SIM card to place calls I believe which means that you are using the IMEI number of the SIM. For all intents and purposes it will look like you are using the phone that you took the SIM out of. If I am not mistaken, this would also give you a different phone number... Could be totally wrong there, but would be interested to know...
you are right u will have a different phone number!! this might help
right now i am on verizon wireless and have a tmoblie prepayed account
when i want to use tmoblie`s service i am using my sim and i have to go into start>setting>connections>conections>manage existing connections then i have to manually connect to the tmoblie data connection(that i have already made)!1 auto pick hasnt worked and isnt working for me, it will select the right connection but will not auto connect to that said connection!!