Originally Posted by mikee4fun
I thought I would chime in and at least help on the widcomm end call issue. I found a real working solution for headsets not hanging up. You have to disable internet being always on. You can use hd or diamond tweak to do this. I would not use advanced config as it causes a lag in answering the phone. I have cooked quite a few roms and can confirm this does work. I stumbled across this fix when I went to hang up the phone, quite a few times I would get a could not connect #777. So if you set your connection to disconnect after 10 minutes and then soft reset the phone. You will no longer have end call lag.
Another post by apristel's Avatar
apristel http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showpost.p...73&postcount=1 is to go into this registry key and change it. I have had it at 0 and at 1000 and see no difference. But I thought I would add this to my post.
Registry Edit:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\HTC\PHONE\PhoneExtendS etting]
1000 = 1 second
If this helps your end call lag, which it will, please give me a thanks.
The problem with the data issue is if you use push email it is not workable. This stack is just plain bad.