Originally Posted by STAGEWORKS
Stilll having the same problems.
After I start sspl-manual=panther.exe from my device - it does load into SSPL. But, when I runn the Custom RUU - Nothing Happens.
Thanks in advance.
Re-Read her instructions;
Originally Posted by cmonex
NOTE 2: anyone having problems with the device entering SSPL automatically or problems with USB connection after SSPL was loaded, please copy SSPL-Manual-PantherGSM.exe from the SSPL-Manual-PantherGSM_V059.zip attachment to the device and run it (device must be plugged in to USB). then once the screen is in SSPL, run CustomRUU from Panther_CustomRUU.zip attachment manually and flash NBH file from PantGSM_HardSPL059.zip.
You need to put the RUU_Signed.nbh in the same folder as the CustomRUU.exe