Yeah, only problem is that I'm a decent tech myself. Not for Sprint, but I do this kind of work for a living. I already fixed it the first time it happened and it was ok for a little while, but it happened again and I didn't realize it until the pin was pushed all the way to the back. I don't see anything getting it out of there now. It's going to need a new mini-usb connector now, and hell, if I had one of those or knew where to get one that was right, I'd probably do that myself too, however I'd rather just get Sprint to replace it if they will. Plus, I wouldn't want to mention that to them because then they'd definitely take the cop out answer and say it was an unauthorized repair or something and now they won't fix it.
I've had a bunch of phones in the past and never had insurance and never had a problem, it's just this phone that constantly gives problems, unfortunately this time it actually is hardware and needs repair.
I have a feeling I'm going to be screwed here.