Originally Posted by phoenixus
Excellent work acidhax  !! I got 3 questions for you man!
1) When you go to call history (by pressing the green button) the numbers and names starts to blurs when scrolling down or up quickly and they stays muddled. How can I fix that?
2) How can I remove the sprint applications, like "software store", "sprint navigation", etc?
3) On the top notification bar, there are 2 small dots between the network signal icon and the battery icon, what is the meaning of that?
That is all, thanks man! 
#1, yeah that's an issue i'm constantly beating myself over. It's the PhoneCanvas, and I can't find one that works like this AND works on CDMA+QVGA... It's seemingly impossible. So I'm making a program to shut off the screen for us. I'll see how it goes...
#2, I'll do that with my next release.
#3, Install the Battery Icon fix. (This is included in new roms that i havent released yet)